Thursday, June 12, 2008


I finally got to see Avenue Q!! I've been listening to the soundtrack for over 3 years, but I could never manage to schedule things in order to see the show (it was only in NYC and Vegas for a long time). When I found out they were coming to Seattle, I was online buying tickets the moment they went on sale. Not that I was worried they'd sell out -- it's a musical featuring puppets, after all. I'm just a musical groupie like that. I would have set up my lawn chair and waited on the sidewalk in front of the Paramount for the box office to open, if that were necessary.

Now that I've seen the show, I can't stop grinning. Or singing. Or dancing around. Or giggling. It was fabulous. I loved it all. Including the Bad Idea Bears, pictured.

And yes, I yelled "George Bush!" during the final song and startled Chris. I don't think he was expecting me to yell. At least, not during the show.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I am SO jealous!!!!!!!! I don't have the CD, but have heard a number of the songs on Satellite radio and loved every one. Congrats!