Sunday, June 15, 2008

This post is brought to you by Chris

I used to joke about wanting to find a job where I would get paid to do the things I like to do: write my blogs, take pictures, go on hikes, read everything from classics to trashy gossip, make photo books, play with Zachary, bother Cowboy, eat noodles, etc. I would enjoy myself, and my happiness would bring a bit more cheer to the world in general. I mean, who can deny that we need more cheer in this world?

Although I haven't found a job like that, I've realized that I've got a close approximation: a sponsor*. My new SAH life is being sponsored by Chris. What a guy! I wonder if I'll have to start wearing his name on my clothing, the way Tiger Woods wears Nike.

*I bet some of you thought I was going to say "sugar daddy". If I had a sugar daddy, I would be directing my nanny to load my Bugaboo into the back of my Lexus RX as I head to the spa for my weekly facial and massage while said nanny takes Zachary for a walk. Instead, I am lugging Zachary in his car seat out to my VW so that I can run to Safeway to pick up some groceries for my WmD alter ego. And I'm happy as a clam.


Deborah said...

I love that "eat noodles" made the list... You are painting a picture of SAH bliss. Its very tempting.

thisblissfullife said...

whoa... talking about SAHM and sponsors may just inspire me to start thinking about putting down some roots!