Monday, June 09, 2008


I've recently made a big decision. After 7 years of college and grad school, followed by 11 years of full-time professional work, I've decided to quit my job in order to stay home and raise Zachary for a while. It's been a really tough decision, because I've always been very career-focused and driven to achieve professional success. The thought that I'd leave it all to raise my child was laughable to me a few years ago, but things changed once I had Zachary. My focus sharpened, my priorities shifted, and my perspective changed.

The perspective is the thing that has been most interesting to me, because my perspective on things has gotten both narrower and wider. No longer do I think in terms of next month's deadline or next year's project roll-out. I think about this afternoon's nap and tomorrow's new solid food introduction. At the same time, I think about how the two years it takes to deploy one enterprise-wide project is the same two years that it will take for my son to grow from a helpless newborn to a walking, talking toddler.

Looking at things that way makes me realize that taking a few years off now is only a drop in the bucket professionally, but it's a huge investment in my baby's (and my) life. In a few years (or a few months -- who knows how things will go) I can always go back to work. But I can't look back five years from now and say, "Oh, I think I'd rather be home with Zachary to watch and help him grow." And I have serious doubts that I would feel as fulfilled by systems and processes I deploy as I will by the things I'll learn from and teach to my son as he discovers his world.

So, starting on June 21st (the first day of summer, the first day of this next phase of life), I will officially be a SAHM: stay-at-home-mom. I have a lot of thoughts about this as I'm working through things, and I'll probably be posting them here.

A wonderful part of this has been the amazing support I've gotten from my friends and family. To a person, each one has said, "Congratulations!" when I tell them. One in particular said something that I really appreciate: "Finally, you're going to put that MIT education to good use." Thanks, Mike. That's how I feel too.

Oh, by the way, I got a haircut. I always seem to do that when I'm about to embark on something new (as anyone who has witnessed me hacking off 12+ inches of hair after every graduation, break-up, or new job can attest to). At least I didn't get anything pierced this time.


Deborah said...

Congratulations! I think this is really great, and I am more than a little bit jealous! And your hair is uber cute.

Margaret said...

7 years of college and grad school followed by 11 years of professional work?!?! Dang, were old!

Congratulations! I admire your decision. You're a great SAHM.

Loren said...

Your position is very well stated, and got me to thinking... SAHD has a nice ring to it as well.

I suppose I should get Deborah's opinion before heading too far down that road. :)


Anonymous said...

Love the new hair and so happy for you. You are amazing!

wenmei said...

Thank you all for your votes of confidence! I had no idea how much of a struggle it would be to decide to quit my job, and I appreciate your nice thoughts!

And if any of you can figure out how to make my hair look the way it did when I got it cut, please let me know. Short of going back to the salon and asking the stylist to fix it for me every morning.

Tarik Saleh said...

Yeah! Woo! Good for you. Great for the lucky little guy.

But admit it , you are just trying to avoid mariners traffic, no?

wenmei said...

Drat! You figured me out, Tarik.

I actually just made a comment to Chris about not having to worry about game traffic... :)

Anonymous said...

So awesome! I really enjoyed reading your life-changing testimonial. The road you are embarking on sounds much more fulfilling and rewarding. You are a fabulous SAHM (with great hair)!