Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year 2006

We had a great time celebrating New Year's Eve with friends. We started the evening at a Pimps-n-Goldiggas party in Newcastle. I was thoroughly impressed with the outfits, especially Mark and Rebecca's matching leopard prints and Harriet and Carrie's "Li'l Digga" and "Big Digga" ensembles. Even more impressive, judging by the amount of time we spent at the table, was the culinary feast that the Donaldsons prepared -- chicken, beef, scallop, prawn, and cheese fondue, followed by a chocolate fountain for dessert. Although my favorite was the chocolate fountain, I was pretty fond of crispy fried "popcorn" scallops too. We cooked them with precision and care using the following procedure: forget about the scallops after placing them in the boiling oil, rescue them once they are tiny fried nuggets of scallopy goodness, repeat. Margaret, Meg and I established our positions around the fondue pots early in the evening and only moved when it was necessary to get refills of our key lime martinis.

After we'd been sufficiently pimp'd and goldigga'd, Newcastle-style, we headed back to the city. We picked up Travis and met up with Reynold and Amy at Justin's to watch the fireworks. Justin has a great view of the Space Needle from the deck of his building and we enjoyed toasting the New Year while watching the display. We were then off to Marcus' Martini Heaven in Pioneer Square, where Jon met us for our first martinis of 2006. Usually a night at Marcus' ends with Chinese food at the Honey Court, but this time we were so filled with fondue and chocolate that we passed on the opportunity to gorge on honey walnut prawns at 3AM.

Happy New Year!

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