Sunday, January 08, 2006

"Getting old ain't for sissies" -Bette Davis

"Who you callin' a sissy?" -Marley

It's been a busy week! On Tuesday, Gary and Valentina were in town and we visited with them at the Red Door. Wednesday was the Rose Bowl, which we watched at the Beauparlant's while enjoying the Salt Lick BBQ they had flown in from Austin.

Friday was my birthday. Am I at an age when I am supposed to demurely hide my actual age? If so, then it was my 29th birthday...for the fifth time. A group of us got together to celebrate in my favorite way: eating massive amounts of sushi at Todai. After all, what's a birthday without raw fish? After sushi, we headed to Von's for martinis. Sachin met us there for a couple drinks and to listen to Chris and Reynold break down every possible AFC/NFC playoff scenario. Then we were off to Bada Lounge to catch up with Phuc, meet up with Paul, and finish off the night.

Saturday, we attended Johanna and John's wedding in Black Diamond. It was a lovely ceremony, followed by a great reception at The Canal in Ballard. Johanna was beautiful and John was impressive on his crutches (he broke his ankle over the holidays). We were especially impressed with the band, who played everything from Frank Sinatra to Usher. We were a little abashed to find that our table (the ex-Accenture table) was the "rowdy" group. Normally this would not be a surprise, but at a function attended by so many Australians it was unprecedented.

Sunday was ski day at Stevens. We dropped Cowboy off at his doggie daycare at 6:45am and headed to the mountains for some fun. The weather was warm and clear and the snow was decent (assuming that crunchy ice with a light covering of granulated ice is "decent"). Chris thought the snow was awful, but he's a Colorado boy used to powder. To a girl raised on the icy slopes of the Bavarian Alps and the East Coast, it was just fine.

Now it's back to work for me...

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