I have no excuse other than laziness
I've been really really bad at keeping up with my blog lately. Or did you ever consider that perhaps nothing at all has happened in our lives since mid-February? Well, that's not necessarily the case, so I will plan to update my blog this weekend. And I will do my best to update more regularly than once a month!
One little tidbit of news -- Cowboy snarled last night! We were so proud of him. It's almost like he's a real dog! Don't worry, he didn't snarl at a person and he didn't really "mean" it (at least we don't think he did). He was playing with Baxter at Ben & Carrie's and I guess he got tired. When Baxter jumped on him to play some more, he lifted his lip and snarled just like an alpha dog! Of course, Baxter ignored him completely and jumped on his head anyway, so maybe Cowboy needs to work on his snarling technique a bit. But it's a good start.